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【坐下来】跨界对话 以颠覆之心对话设计之巅(2)

http://www.jiajum.com 2015-05-08 17:06 家居装修设计网 





Eight brands launch crossover industry and hold in-depth dialogues in Milan

当晚的跨界家居展开幕酒会带给我们的是一场跨界艺术视觉盛宴。 此次参展的8个品牌带来的每一件作品都是生活的艺术结晶,反映了当今中国人对于设计的理解融于生活中。坐下来,设计师们有话说。红星美凯龙将跨界家居带到米兰,在艺术的碰撞中,让矛盾、对立的元素擦出灵感的火花。

The opening wine party in the crossover home furnishing exhibition will present us a visual feast with different artistic works. Each artwork brought by eight brands is the artistic crystallization in our lives, reflecting modern Chinese’s understanding of design through lives. Designers also hold various dialogues. Red Star Macalline brings the crossover home furnishing to Milan and obtains inspirations through art communication and exchanges.


Treessun brings us the floor with strong Chinese tea polyphenol taste; Jomoo brings us sprinklers involving the healthcare concept in Traditional Chinese Medicine; Landbond brings us the furniture with the strong philosophical meaning, bringing the ancient zen into our daily lives; Roling brings us the products with strong artistic elements; the biggest surprise is Camerich who makes the work into a statue, producing a dreamy feeling; La Casa, together with their famous garment designers, also amazes the tailor-made furniture; Righthome brings us the travel-related concept home furnishing experience; Opal not only brings us back China 400 years ago, but also brings us the innovative design which can be played with the blue-eye foreigners. The eight crossover brands attract wide attention and the oriental culture is amazed by the world. Milan Design Week is full of Chinese elements. While in the Exhibition, you have the feeling that “seeing for oneself is a hundred times better than hearing from others”.


Red Star Macalline brings Chinese original design into the international stages. Through the opening ceremony of the crossover design exhibition, Red Star Macalline opens a door for Chinese original design to the world. It is really a grand event.

米兰副市长(待定)协同红星美凯龙董事副总裁车建芳女士出现在“中国设计 米兰看见”的颁奖礼上,逐个为获得这一国际殊荣的品牌颁奖,此举将现场的气氛又一次推向高潮。中国家居设计品牌正在用自己不胜枚举的创新,一次次完成了在国际舞台的惊艳亮相。

Vice Mayor of Milan (undetermined), together with Ms. Che Jianfang, vice president of the board of directors of Red Star Macalline Group Co.,Ltd., will award the “Milan Witnesses Chinese Designs” for the winners, which will drive the atmosphere into a new high. Chinese home furnishing design brands have made successful appearances in the international stages through various innovations.

为了让中国的消费者近距离的感知好设计,好生活的理念,在米兰副市长(待定)和车建芳女士的鉴证下,红星美凯龙及创新设计联盟携手八大参展品牌共同发起“米兰归来 十城巡回”的设计消费活动。据悉,在接下来的6月份起,“米兰归来 十城巡回”将带着此次参展的品牌来到中国的10个代表城市,与城市文化对话,与城市生活互融,与消费者互动。届时,相信国内的家居市场又将迎来一波设计消费的新热潮。

To give consumers more chances to feel the concept of good design and good life, with the witnesses of Vice Mayor of Milan (undetermined) and Ms. Che Jianfang, Red Star Macalline and the Innovative Design Alliance as well as the eight brands with jointly launch the design consumption activity of “10 Cities’ Tour Show after Returning from Milan”. It is learned that, from June, the activity of “10 Cities’ Tour Show after Returning of Milan” will exhibit these brands in 10 Chinese representative cities, during which they will hold various dialogues on urban culture and life and interact with consumers. By that time, Chinese home furnishing market will see another design consumption boom.



This “sit down” activity is the involvement of crossover home furnishing and the appearance in international stages, which will make life lovers find the new inner space and new understanding of life. The whole world will focus on China and pay attention to Chinese sound.



【坐下来】跨界对话 以颠覆之心对话设计之巅
2015米兰设计周 | 中国当代家居跨界设计展 【坐下来】盛大开幕 跨界对话
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网址: 【坐下来】跨界对话 以颠覆之心对话设计之巅(2) http://www.jiajum.com/news-view-id-11503_2.html
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