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尽境设计 | 态度演绎蓝调爵士空间 解锁沈城烤鱼扛把子

http://www.jiajum.com 2021-10-09 16:14 家居装修设计网 



尽境设计 | 态度演绎蓝调爵士空间 解锁沈城烤鱼扛把子

  项目地址 / 辽宁 沈阳

  Locationg / Liaoning Shenyang

  项目名称 /一品鱼悦

  Project name / yipinyuyue

  项目面积 / 355㎡

  Area/ 355㎡

  设计总监 / 李冬尽

  Design Director / Allen LEE

  设计师 / 王艳秋 张雷 邹彦辰 李月虹 张少峰 石浩然

  Designer / Wang Yanqiu,Zhang Lei ,Zou Yanchen,Li Yuehong, Zhang Shaofeng, Shi Haoran 

  蓝调演奏时大量蓝调音(Blue Notes)的应用,使得音乐上充满了压抑及不和谐的感觉,这种音乐听起来十分忧郁(Blue),但就是这么一股“反骨”气息,无约束的精神层次,构建一种全新的生活概念并任其成为新的时尚。

  When playing blues, the application of a large number of blue notes makes the music full of feelings of depression and disharmony. With such a "anti bone" atmosphere and unrestricted spiritual level, it constructs a new concept of life and allows it to become a new fashion.

尽境设计 | 态度演绎蓝调爵士空间 解锁沈城烤鱼扛把子


尽境设计 | 态度演绎蓝调爵士空间 解锁沈城烤鱼扛把子



  At the beginning of the design, party a proposed to create a lively atmosphere with smoke and fire, and jump out of the previous traditional grilled fish shop model. Abandon the simple or colorful style, run through the anti bone fireworks of "Blues Jazz" in the whole design, and attract young people to yearn for and deeply experience the delicious punch in place.

尽境设计 | 态度演绎蓝调爵士空间 解锁沈城烤鱼扛把子

尽境设计 | 态度演绎蓝调爵士空间 解锁沈城烤鱼扛把子

尽境设计 | 态度演绎蓝调爵士空间 解锁沈城烤鱼扛把子


  In the process of in-depth understanding of the brand, the team found that he has a lot of persistence, such as insisting on cooking live fish, insisting on charcoal roasting, etc. These insistences on increasing costs also have an anti bone temperament. When the team put forward the idea of the blues style of the bar, it was strongly supported by the owner.

尽境设计 | 态度演绎蓝调爵士空间 解锁沈城烤鱼扛把子

尽境设计 | 态度演绎蓝调爵士空间 解锁沈城烤鱼扛把子


  After the style intention is finalized, the team will plan several basic functional zones on the plane, such as swing out area, bar area, open file area, dining area, card bag area and soon. 


  The indoor open pattern design makes use of the interspersion and distinction between spaces, and the smooth moving line and function to meet the diversified dining needs of guests. The bright mirror and metal lines blend together to exude the sense of space extension of the bar. 


  A small number of card seats and surrounded scattered seats create a fast and fashionable experience scene. It forms an effective division of the moving line of people flow, increases the flow frequency of guests, strengthens the connection between people and space, and gives a stronger human flavor.

尽境设计 | 态度演绎蓝调爵士空间 解锁沈城烤鱼扛把子

尽境设计 | 态度演绎蓝调爵士空间 解锁沈城烤鱼扛把子


  In addition to the food itself, modern people care more about the sense of place experience with social attributes and the pursuit of entertainment spirit.


  The whole space uses many arc and neon elements. The arc softens the whole space and outlines the dynamic relationship between fish and water.

尽境设计 | 态度演绎蓝调爵士空间 解锁沈城烤鱼扛把子

尽境设计 | 态度演绎蓝调爵士空间 解锁沈城烤鱼扛把子


  Blues spirit refers to freedom and pays attention to the expression of self emotion. It has two characteristics: improvisation and originality.



  李冬尽 / ALLEN  LEE

  尽境设计 创始人/设计总监

  大展·尽境空间设计有限公司 联合创始人/设计总监

  澳大利亚ZUDI DESIGN中国区主理人/设计总监

  辽宁经济职业技术学院工艺美术学院 建筑室内设计专业外聘企业教师

  2021  安德马丁·发现中国好设计 设计菁英讲者

  2020  红棉中国设计奖·室内设计奖

  2020  金住奖-中国(沈阳)十大居住空间设计师

  2020-2021 40 UNDER 40中国(辽宁)设计杰出青年

  2019  “华语设计领袖榜”年度100位卓越设计人物

  2018  中国设计品牌榜﹒年度青年榜样设计师

  2018  M+中国高端室内设计大赛年度影响力100强

  2017 中国设计年度人物——精英设计师

  2017 -2018  40 UNDER 40中国设计(辽宁)杰出青年


尽境设计 | 态度演绎蓝调爵士空间 解锁沈城烤鱼扛把子
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网址: 尽境设计 | 态度演绎蓝调爵士空间 解锁沈城烤鱼扛把子 http://www.jiajum.com/news-view-id-127538.html
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