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http://www.jiajum.com 2015-08-17 13:44 家居装修设计网 

  静守淡泊江畔 不理繁华万千



  东流逝 水,叶落纷纷。关于“南朝四百八十寺,多少楼台烟雨中”——(唐.杜牧《江南春》)的情景早已被历史的烟云所湮灭,而云光说法这一神话传说伴随雨花石这一 大自然的馈赠,依然被金陵人所津津乐道。位于南京下关江畔的证大大拇指广场售楼中心取材于雨花石的优美传说,由台湾著名设计师杜柏均亲自设计,其很好的利 用圆柱体作为建筑外观,与几何扭转的内部结构相得益彰,如同一颗雨花精灵降落人间。




  大道至简 悟在天成


  在大拇指广场售楼中心这800平方的空间内,这种厚积薄发的“精神”正以一种简炼的手法在诉说着设计的精彩。售楼处的地面基本都是采用一种灰色大理石, 利用抛光与仿古面的交互作用,在光的映染下形成不同的反射面,历史的过往与现代语言交汇于同一空间,共同诉说着不同年代的故事;大面积的墙壁则使用白色油 性乳胶漆与白色人造石,只是在油漆表面做了肌理的处理,光滑与粗糙两种材质、两种表现形式相互冲击,再搭配特别定制的线灯,让整个空间更赋予时代的使命。 这种少而精的处理方式让空间变得纯净而不失雅致,跳出条框限制的设计让整个售楼中心更有一种宛若天成的魅力。

  追本源 一脉相承

  文化的传承是本次设计的另一亮点。设计师杜柏均认真思索了证大集团的企业文化,在现代简约理念中植入抽象的中式元素,以时尚的手法营造着空间的独特之 处。例如沙盘上方采用的“深井”造型,简化的方正造型涂抹以朱红色的乳胶漆,寓意取之于中文的“回”字,借以表达“回家”、“轮回”的概念,体现出中华文 化的精髓所在。设计者用“回”字作为整个售楼中心的设计主轴,让购房者与开发商之间产生心灵的链接,低调完美的诠释了企业文化的一脉相承,薪火相传。



  East passing, leaves have. A "Southern Temple 480, the number of towers in the misty rain" (Tang. Du Mu "Jiangnan Spring") scene already was the smoke of history the annihilation, and light cloud said Yuhua stone nature of this gift with the myths and legends, still be the Jinling people take delight in talking about. Located in Nanjing Xiaguan River Zendai Thumb Plaza sales center drawn from the Yuhua stone is the legend of the beautiful, personally designed by the famous Taiwan designer Du Baijun. The good by a circular cylinder as the appearance of the building, and geometric twist the internal structure of complement each other, like a star Yuhua elves landed world.

  Project Name: Nanjing Zendai Thumb Plaza sales center

  Project area: 800 square meters

  Designer: Du Baijun

  Road to Jane Wu in heaven

  What is design? Countless designers have countless answers. In the 26 years of Du Baijun's eyes, on the design of the broad and profound in fact can be simple to a block of marble, a LED line lights, and even the use of white to decorate walls. For this simple principle, in fact, is a mature, after purification of.

  In the space of Thumb Plaza sales center this 800 square, the profound knowledge of the "spirit" is a concise way to tell a wonderful design. Sales offices on the ground are basically adopted a grey marble using polished and antique face interaction, in the light of Ying dyed under formation of different reflector, past history and modern languages intersection in the same space, common tells the story of different ages; the walls of large area uses oily white latex paint with white man-made stone, just on the paint surface do texture, smooth and rough two material and two kinds of forms of mutual impact, again tie-in special custom line lamp, let whole space more time given the mission. The fine let a space to become pure and elegant, jump out of the frame is designed in such a way that the sales center more charm which one kind of feels like heaven.

  After come down in one continuous line source

  Cultural heritage is another bright spot in this design. Designer Du Baijun seriously consider the Zendai Group's corporate culture, the Chinese elements in modern minimalist philosophy of implantation abstract, with fashion style to create a unique space. Such as sand table above the "deep" style, simplified boxy smear to scarlet latex paint, meaning to take on the Chinese character for "return", so as to express "home" and "reincarnation" concept, reflecting the essence of Chinese culture. Designers use word "return" as the main design of the sales center, let the link between property buyers and developers have the mind, low-key perfect interpretation of the corporate culture come down in one continuous line, passing the torch.

  And the contamination of the river aura of Yuhua stone is the source of inspiration in the design of, from the local natural creation, make the sales center moment in a round angle, both the architectural appearance of the cylindrical, internal winding lingering top of smallpox, or to receive Taiwan shape, even toilet Wailimian, are inseparable from the deep imprint.

  Shimonoseki river walk, far from the river the rough surf sound, mixed with the whistle of a boat on the river, noisy complex; when you look back, you suddenly realize thatit, surrounded by bamboo Zendai Thumb Plaza sales center, imitate if the man, static guarding a unique spiritual, taste indifferent to life.


汀town艺术商业 6月27日售楼处欢乐开放
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海尔消费金融推车位贷 引动房产营销变革

网址: 南京证大大拇指广场售楼中心设计 http://www.jiajum.com/news-view-id-29348.html
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