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回归设计本质 心+设计学社亮相米兰设计周(3)

http://www.jiajum.com 2016-04-10 06:01 家居装修设计网 


  设计师的灵感源于中国著名的哲学著作《道德经》中的主旨思想 “道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物” 。从一个小的空间衍生出一个充满想象力的多维、无限大世界。


  简约而不简单,摒弃一切奢华贵重的材料,让设计回归原本的初衷。作品所有的物件都使用可回收便于循环再造的材质,绿色环保。 这是设计师从几千年的中国传统美学和哲学中品领悟的真谛。借此通过作品传达给参观者。

  Work Introduction

  Inspired by the famous Chinese philosophical work named Tao Te Ching, the designer uses its main idea, the way bears sensation, sensation bears memory. Sensation and memory bear abstraction. And abstraction bears all the world. As result, the infinite world filled with imagination can be derived from a small space.

  A simple weaving luggage supports the work as the base, and the structure is connected with each other by chopsticks and the metal, which keeps chopsticks the original as far as possible.

  The work takes advantage of the points and lines to present different effects from different angel, and such energetic space full of life and visual changes, leads all visitors experience a different perspective.

  LESS IS MORE, and the work abandons all the luxury, back to the original for design. As well, all the materials are sustainable and green, which follows the environment-friendly concept.

  This is the truth which designer learns from thousands of years of traditional Chinese aesthetics and philosophy and intends to convey to the visitors by suck work.

  作品尺寸: 宽度为 310厘米 width of 7750px

  深度为90厘米 depth of 2250px

  高度为150厘米 height 3750px

  作品材质: 木条,金属固定件wood and , Stainless steel connection



  Mr.Raynon, Chiu, interior architecture designer in Taiwan, contributes to design career more than 20 years, with rich experiences in commercial properties and marketing strategies. Mr. Chiu likes unique idea and different styles and he never sticks to only one way, and he can freely control kinds of color and spaces with his special recognition for Chinese culture and knowledge. Extremely rich imagination always keeps his design same pace with the international level.


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网址: 回归设计本质 心+设计学社亮相米兰设计周(3) http://www.jiajum.com/news-view-id-49418_3.html
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