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回归设计本质 心+设计学社亮相米兰设计周(8)

http://www.jiajum.com 2016-04-10 06:01 家居装修设计网 


  “太极”一词源出《周易》 ,是中国传统文化上最重要的哲学思想。




  太极拳就是利用[太极]的理论,它是[无形]的。通过柔和缓慢的形体动作来修身养性,去寻求人体自身的协调、人与自然的协调、个体与社会的协调的运动形式,追求人与自然的结合,进而达到[天人合一] 。

  Work Introduction


  The term,“TAI CHI”, originates from “ZHOUYI”, it is the most important philosophical thinking in Chinese traditional culture.

  TAI CHI stands for the Status of Order in the universe. With regard to various natural phenomenon, after a long time of observation, Chinese ancients have recognized that everything in the universe is Opposition against Integration, therefore, two words, “Yin” and “Yang”, have been used to generalize them. It means, everything and every phenomenon in universe includes “Yin” and “Yang”, as well as two aspects of Appearance and Cultivation, they also stand for “The Sky” and “ The Earth”. The relationship between those two words is In Opposition To Each Other but Mutual and Harmonious Existence; this is the law for the material world; and it is also the  summary and origin for many things.


  “TAI CHI BOXING” is the great combination of Chinese philosophic thinking and martial art.

  TAI CHI BOXING utilizes the theory of “Tai Chi”, it is “Invisible”. This kind of exercise form is with gentle and slow body movement in order to cultivate oneself, to seek the human body harmony,

  to seek the harmony between human being and nature, and to seek the harmony between individual and society, therefore; the combination of human being and nature is pursued, further, “The Union of Human Being and Nature ” is achieved.

  From “Invisible” To “Visible”

  “TAI CHI”, we can say, is a kind of thinking, a sort of philosophy, it is “invisible”.“TAI CHI BOXING” is a kind of exercise. We can see its force and beauty; so it is “visible”. The famous sculptor in Taiwan, Mr. Juming, has created a series of masterpieces named “TAI CHI” that fully expressing the strength and esthetics of TAI CHI BOXING. In these masterpieces, each movement such as raising one’s hand, lifting one’s foot, standing or kicking, they all perfectly present the essence and elegant rhyme of TAI CHI BOXING.

  尺寸: 3.32*2.25*1.1 m  、3.94*1.95*2.15 m

  Size: 3.32*2.25*1.1 m, 3.94*1.95*2.15 m

  材质: 木头,烤漆

  Material: wood, paint

  Designer Profile


  出生于台湾,毕业于台湾逢甲大学建筑系,后又取得Consetvatoire National des Arts et Metiers建筑管理硕士学位,一直致力于将建筑立体空间的设计手法应用于室内设计的设计理念中。08年开始参加国际比赛,至今已经获得了包括德国Reddot Design Award、德国iF Design Award、伦敦Andrew Martin International Award 、伦敦Restaurant & Bar Design Award、纽约 CONTRACT-Annual Interiors Awards、纽约INTERIOR DESIGNBEST OF YEAR AWARDS、日本JCD等近80个国际奖项。Kris曾受德国PROUD邀请在德国Red dot Museum及中国厦门举行2次演讲,一直致力于对年轻设计师的教育与培养。

  Kris Lin

  Born in Taiwan, He graduated from architecture department of Feng Chia University in Taiwan. Later He got master degree of architecture management in Consetvatoire National des Arts et Metiers and devoted herself in applying architecture design approach of three-dimensional space into interior design. He participated international competition since 2008 and so far has acquired nearly 80 international awards which include: Reddot Design Award and iF Design Award in Germany, Andrew Martin International Award and Restaurant & Bar Design Award in London, CONTRACT-Annual Interiors Awards and INTERIOR DESIGNBEST OF YEAR AWARDS in New York as well as JCD in Japan. With invitation from PROUND in Germany, Kris has given lectures in Red dot Museum Germany and Xiamen in China. He is dedicated in education and training of young designers.


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网址: 回归设计本质 心+设计学社亮相米兰设计周(8) http://www.jiajum.com/news-view-id-49418_8.html
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